Clifton Uckerman, LCSW, is a therapist with Valley Behavioral Health, a community specialty clinic in Highland Springs that provides both in-office and telemental health services. Mr. Uckerman provides trauma-informed prevention and treatment of substance abuse/addiction and mental health disorders for individuals from late adolescence throughout their adult lifespan. He redeveloped and led two pods of 55-65 incarcerated men in a trauma/addiction treatment program using a leadership-oriented therapeutic community model and approach. His program philosophy incorporated a trauma-informed, historical, and cultural approach which involved the need for the construction of healthy masculinity, emotional intelligence, and relational self-empowerment. He now works with inmates upon their release with re-entry into the community. His own life experiences help him to authentically connect with these young men. His mission is to provide “essential behavioral health solutions to improve the quality of life and relationships of men and their families in his community.