Marc Chavez is the Director and Founder of InterTribal Youth, one of many youth programs he founded to work with and to heal severely marginalized communities in the U.S., specifically Indigenous youths. He donates over 70% of his professional time as Director of InterTribal Youth. Marc was born and raised in Los Angeles County, CA and is of Mexican-American Indian descent with degrees from UC San Diego in Communications, “Third World” Studies, and post-graduate research in Community Educational Linkages. Marc has over 20 years of experience in higher education, community linkages, and tourism. “Native Like Water” is his most recently developed initiative which focuses on youth/adult cultural exchange between ocean and freshwater land environments. It explores their sacred relationship to water and educates Indigenous youth and adult volunteers in science, outdoor education, conservation, wellness and cultural self-exploration. Young male participants address identity and their future as leaders of the Human Family, and youth are provided the opportunity to think, perform and interact on local, national and international grounds.