Fellowship Application

Reclaiming Our Humanity

Profile of a Forward Promise Fellow

Forward Promise Fellows are actively engaged in disrupting the cycle of dehumanization in their communities, in youth-serving systems, and within community-based direct-service organizations or initiatives. These individuals are representative of–and deeply rooted in–the communities they serve.  Fellows use a variety of culturally responsive healing modalities such as storytelling, art, and indigenous healing practices that promote healing, growing, and thriving for young people of color. Forward Promise Fellows demonstrate that they deeply value the safety, well-being, experiences, and full expression of the humanity of young people of color and their communities and employ an asset-based approach to their work with and for them. 

Eligibility Criteria
Individuals of all races and ethnicities, genders, and sexual identities, and from any field or area of practice/expertise are welcome to apply. There is no minimum education or professional experience requirement; however, applicants must have evidence or be able to demonstrate their passion, commitment, and vision for their work. Applicants must be:

Previously incarcerated or individuals with criminal convictions or records (with the ability to travel) can apply as long as they meet the criteria above. Selection of Fellows will be based upon a variety of factors that are important to the creation of a diverse, intergenerational cohort.

The 6-month Fellowship experience consists of the following activities:

A monetary award of $5,000 will be granted to Fellowship participants who complete the Fellowship program. Participation in a minimum of 80% of all required activities is necessary to receive the full award amount.

Frequently Asked Questions

What characteristics do potential Fellows possess?
Fellows must have a vision for reclaiming the humanity of youth of color and their communities. They will be able to show how they help young people of color and their communities to heal, grow, and thrive using their resources (institution, influence, program, skills, art, etc.) and their lived experience navigating the same injustices as the people they serve.
Healing is recognizing trauma. Growing is rejecting dehumanizing narratives. Thriving is expanding personal health into community health. Learn more at forwardpromise.org/approach.
We encourage organizers, activists, youth advocates, artists, clinicians/practitioners—or individuals from any other field, discipline, or community role—to apply. While we are open to many approaches, we seek those who incorporate culturally responsive healing practices as a core component of their work. Individuals who are native to, or representative of, the communities they work with are strongly encouraged to apply.
No. The $5,000 cash award is considered a prize, not a grant. Forward Promise will not monitor or track how Fellows choose to use their award. Fellows are responsible for any tax liability incurred from receipt of this cash prize.
Forward Promise Fellows agree to participate in all scheduled activities at the time of application. Please check for any scheduling conflicts before submitting your application. The full Fellowship schedule is included in the application link. At a minimum, Fellows must participate in 80% of all required activities to receive the full award amount. We do understand that life happens and if a Fellow is not able to complete the program for reasons beyond their control, Forward Promise will decide the best course of action on a case-by-case basis. This may include allowing the Fellow to complete the experience with a future cohort.

Forward Promise will work with each Fellow to make travel arrangements. Travel (flight and ground transportation), lodging, and meals at in-person retreats and convenings are paid for by the program.
Please note extended stays/nights at retreat lodging establishments and updates to flight itineraries are the financial responsibility of the Fellow (unless there are circumstances beyond their control as determined by Forward Promise/The Moriah Group).

Participants can expect to spend a total of 275 hours on all planned activities during the full program. This includes travel to and from retreats, webinars, community connection calls, and other related activities (i.e., onboarding, surveys, interviews).
We are currently planning for all retreats to be held in person; however, the health and safety of participants, facilitators, and staff are our top priority. Plans are subject to change as necessary. We will closely monitor updates regarding COVID-19 from the CDC, WHO, and other local public health organizations in selected retreat venues and follow all recommended safety guidelines and protocols during all in-person events. We may also elect to hold a virtual retreat if that is safest for everyone involved.
All participants are expected to attend in person.
We strongly recommend that all participants receive the COVID-19 vaccine and recommended boosters, but it is not required. All participants will be required to sign a COVID-19 Waiver of Liability and must follow all safety protocols established by The Moriah Group for each in-person event.

Application Period:

April 1 - April 19, 2024

Onboarding & Intake:

June, 2024

Selection & Award Notification:

End of May, 2024

Active Fellowship Period:

June, 2024 - December, 2024

How to apply:

Please apply via the application portal. Application materials include:
Applicants may direct questions to:

Jonathan Leon jleon@themoriahgroup.com
Senior Program Director

Rosalee Blalock
rblalock@themoriahgroup.com Program Manager.